Presidential hopefuls face a growing dilemma about if and when to return to President Yoon Suk Yeol’s side as he currently faces a huge political setback after the ruling party’s defeat in the general elections on April 10.Yoon appears as a lonely figure these days as he is on the verge of becoming the first president since Korea’s democratization in 1987 to work with an opposition-controlled Assembly for all five years of his term.Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo of the ruling People Power Party (PPP) is looking to distinguish himself from Yoon by expressing his frustration with the presidential office for the party’s crushing election defeat. The PPP and its satellite party collectively won 108 seats in the 300-member National Assembly, while the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) and its satellite party secured 175 seats.
“The election defeat was due to government failure. If the government and ruling party reject change and believe ‘we lost, but we fought well,’ they will face bigger failures,” he wrote on Facebook, Sunday.“I urge the key officials responsible for the electoral defeat to step down and take time to reflect, innovate and reconstruct rather than looking for scapegoats.”Ahn, a former presidential election coalition partner of Yoon, expressed his intent to vote for a special probe bill pushed by the DPK to investigate allegations that the presidential office and the Ministry of National Defense inappropriately interfered in a military investigation into a young Marine’s death last year.The bill has been pending in the Assembly since early this month, after the DPK unilaterally designated it as a fast-track bill with expedited deliberations.The doctor-turned-politician also criticized Yoon for failing to compromise on its plan to increase the number of medical school seats by 2,000 next year amid a prolonged walkout by more than 90 percent of the country’s 13,000 trainee 온라인카지노 doctors.