KBO, Lotte-KIA to be selected as AG in controversy, are all embarrassed

KBO announced the replacement of the national team player at the Asian Games on the 22nd. 사설토토 First, KIA left-hander Lee Eui-ri was excluded due to injury. KBO explained the reason for the exclusion of Lee Eui-ri, saying, “I am recovering from a finger injury but it is difficult to show my best performance during the tournament.” Outfielder Yoon Dong-hee was then selected as a substitute. As the reason for the selection, KBO decided that “professional outfielders and right-handed hitters need to be reinforced.” After the discussion, we will finally select Yoon Dong-hee,” he said.

Lotte and KIA were confused by KBO’s unexpected decision. Lotte eliminated outfielder Ko Seung-min from the first division ahead of the SSG Landers match on the 22nd. It was a break to the second division because outfielder Yoon Dong-hee was there. In this situation, Yoon Dong-hee, who is not a pitcher, was suddenly selected for the Asian Games national team as a substitute for pitcher Lee Eui-ri. For Lotte, there was no choice but to disrupt the operation of the team.

Lotte’s acting manager Lee Jong-un, who met with reporters ahead of the Lotte-SSG Landers match on the 22nd, said, “I didn’t expect Yoon Dong-hee’s selection at all. Lee Eui-ri, who was left out of the national team, is a pitcher, so I didn’t know if I would pick a fielder,” he explained.

Acting coach Lee Jong-un then expressed reluctance to manage the team. Acting coach Lee said, “I sent Ko Seung-min to the second division because I didn’t expect Yoon Dong-hee to be selected. (Because of Yoon Dong-hee), Ko Seung-min couldn’t make it to the game, he said. “If Yoon Dong-hee was going to go to the Asian Games, we can’t afford to drop Ko Seung-min to the second division.” Without Yoon Dong-hee, it is a good opportunity for Ko Seung-min. However, he expressed his thoughts, saying, “(With the 2nd Army) I couldn’t use Ko Seung-min for 10 days.”

Ko Seung-min had a batting average of 0.224 on-base percentage of 0.332 slugging percentage 0.319 OPS (on-base plus slugging percentage) of 0.651 this season. Although it is not noticeable, he has been showing off his potential by receiving steady opportunities in the first division. Another advantage was that he could play both first baseman and corner outfielder. However, with Yoon Dong-hee’s unexpected selection, Ko Seung-min probably accepted the “unfair second string” and a 10-day gap. Lotte faced a situation where it could not use Ko Seung-min, a useful resource, for 10 days.

Kia is also in trouble. KBO said it is “recovering from injury” as the reason for Lee Eui-ri’s replacement. It was argued that it was difficult to perform properly because the injury had not fully recovered. Earlier, Lee Eui-ri voluntarily replaced against the LG Twins on the 9th due to a finger blister injury.

However, Lee Eui-ri started normally against the Hanwha Eagles on the 21st. If there was a finger blister injury, it was expected that it would be difficult to take the mound itself, but the start proved that his body was healthy. Of course, the pitching content was sluggish with five runs (four earned runs) in 1.1 innings, but no health problems occurred.

However, Lee Eui-ri was dropped from the Asian Games national team because he was “recovering from injury” even though he recovered. Kia’s plans have also changed. Lee Eui-ri was originally scheduled to vacate the first division list as he went to the second division during the Asian Games. However, at this time, the Asian Games were frustrated due to the “injury” that had fully recovered. Lee Eui-ri, who has no problem with his physical condition, will remain in the first division for the rest of the season and play the starting rotation.

Lotte failed to use one outfielder due to Yoon Dong-hee’s sudden selection. Lee Eui-ri’s team, KIA, who was dropped because he was “recovering from his injury” even though he had fully recovered from his injury. All of them expressed bewilderment over the KBO’s decision.

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