Over the weekend, New Brunswick was able to witness the final set of horse races for a while in the raceway and provincial areas of the exhibition park. 릴게임 This is because the exhibition association has decided not to renew its contract with New Brunswick, a horse race, and it is time to change the landscape on the St. John Harness racing track.
The park has been part of the st. John area for more than a decade and has offered weekly horse racing events during that time. And the exhibition association chose not to renew the lease, ending the race on the track. This decision caused tremendous discontent among the local horse racing industry and many riders.
In a recent press release, exhibition association’s Judy Martin said the board had voted not to sign another lease with horse racing New Brunswick. He explained that the association decided to pursue other opportunities that were likely to make better use of the land and facilities to provide greater benefits to the St. John area.
But the decision comes as bad news for locals who participate in horse racing on the track. Now they will have to travel out of town to continue their work. But since no track has been allocated for the 2023 season, they will now have to take their horses elsewhere when their lease expires at the end of the calendar year.
Janice Hubbard, who has been involved in horse racing for years with her family, said she would not vacate the site before December 31, 2022. She argues that this is something that cannot be taken away from her. Since moving to town from Ontario, she has invested a significant amount of money in horses and has no plans to give up without fighting.
Scott Bernard, history host of the EPR podcast, was also influenced by the news and said it was something of a punch to him. He admits there is still a lot of interest in the sport, even though the business has regressed and there are no bets. But he and other fans of the harness race will have to look elsewhere to watch or participate in the race.
A similar thing happened last year when Prairie Lland Park in Saskatchewan announced it would be shutting down the historic Marquis of Downs. And according to the park, the reason is that the racecourse has been operated at the expense of 500,000 Canadian dollars per year for the past five years. Now the stadium will be replaced by a soccer stadium.
Fast forward to this summer, the track probably hosted the final horse racing set. This was possible after Musomin First Nation obtained a license for track operations in the area. Following the closure of Marquis Downs, Nation plans to start the new track in the northwestern part of Saskatoon near the Saskatoon Center.